Browsing Artikler by Title
Now showing items 113-132 of 258
Krig med fjernkontroll - droner og krigens etikk
(Journal article, 2015) -
Krig nok til alle - en strategisk tilnærming til krigen i Syria
(Journal article, 2015) -
Krigsskolens relevans? Temanotat om Krigsskolens arbeid med yrkes relevans i ly av sentrale endringer i forsvarssektoren (TYR)
(Arbeidsnotat;2016: 6, Working paper, 2016-08-05)Krigsskolen står høsten 2016 overfor sentrale utfordringer som utfordrer deres egen forståelse av skolens relevans: Sammenslåing med de andre av Forsvarets høyskoler, en ny personellordning og et hittil uavklart kompetansebehov. ... -
Krisehåndtering i Fiskevernsonen: mellom jus og interessepolitikk
(Journal article, 2013) -
Label-free impedance flow cytometry for nanotoxicity screening
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Leaders That Don’t Care: Investigating Leader Caregiving From an Attachment-Theoretical Perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Leadership challenges for Joint Force commanders during the transition from a high-intensity to a low-intensity conflict
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)A Joint Force Commander (JFC) leading military joint operations faces several complex challenges. The purpose of this article is to investigate some of the challenges a Joint Force Commander may face when a conflict changes ... -
Learning in the Force Protection Environment between International Operations: Last-Minute Learning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study considers learning in international military operations. It explores these questions: What are the obstacles to learning in a military context? How did these obstacles manifest themselves in contribution made ... -
Lederskap, makt og cyber
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10)Militære operasjoner beskrives som stadig mer komplekse. I denne teksten drøftes cyberdomenet som drivkraft for denne utviklingen. Det argumenteres for at cyberdomenet har betydning for organisering av stridskreftene innen ... -
Lost in Transition: The Dissemination of Digitization and the Challenges of Leading in the Military Educational Organization
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Leading change in adult educational organizations is not frequently described in the leadership literature. The education sector in the Norwegian Armed Forces (NAF) is in the middle of an educational reform that requires ... -
Luksus, korrupsjon og regulering
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Maktlaben: et situasjonsbasert perspektiv på lederutvikling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05)Forfatterne presenterer en intim opplevelse fra lederutvikling ved Luftkrigsskolen. Bakteppet for undersøkelsen er at militært personell utfordres av sosialpsykologiske mekanismer og kan stå i fare for å miste seg selv i ... -
Maritime Navigation: Characterizing Collaboration in a High-Speed Craft Navigation Activity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Maritime usability study by analysing Eye Tracking data
(Others, 2016)The aim of the Integrated Navigation System (INS) on a ship bridge should be to provide the navigator with added value and aid in the complex task of conducting a safe and efficient passage in high speeds in demanding ... -
Masterstudenters opplevelse av møter med veileder: ’’Det er veiledningen som gjør at en føler at en mestrer’’
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013) -
Meaning and Inconsistencies of Meaning – Exploring The Perspectives of Norwegian Veterans in Afghanistan
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
Measurement of the motional sidebands of a nanogram-scale oscillator in the quantum regime
(Journal article, 2015-12-02)We describe measurements of the motional sidebands produced by a mechanical oscillator (with effective mass 43 ng and resonant frequency 705 kHz) that is placed in an optical cavity and cooled close to its quantum ground ... -
Medical Support for UN Peace Operations in High-Risk Environments
(Research report, 2017-04)The UN is increasingly deploying peacekeepers to conflict theaters where there is no political agreement and little or no peace to keep. Such high-risk environments make it harder for the UN to keep its personnel safe, ... -
Military education in extended reality (XR): learning troublesome knowledge through immersive experiential application
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Extended reality (XR) applications for education are usually associated with motivation, engagement, knowledge and experiences that are difficult to achieve in the real world. One example of such knowledge in military ...