Browsing Artikler by Title
Now showing items 176-195 of 258
Partipolitiske offiserer i Norge - et problem?
(Others, 2021)En rekke aktive og pensjonerte franske militære publiserte nylig et kontroversielt opprop, som advarer mot en gryende borgerkrig i Frankrike. Kronikken problematiserer det at yrkesmilitære kan oppfattes som eller være ... -
Pathei mathos! Mestringsopplevelser i ulike læringssituasjoner blant kadetter ved Krigsskolen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Artikkelen drøfter hvordan kontekst påvirker kadettenes opplevelse av læringsprosesser. To læringssituasjoner er undersøkt; kryssingen av Hardangervidda om vinteren og trening på skytebanen. Analysen tar utgangspunkt i ... -
Performance Based Logistics – A Norwegian-Swedish Perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Performance Based Logistics (PBL) as a support strategy for defence systems has been coined as a paradigmatic change within defence acquisition and maintenance. Originating from the defence industry, the concept has been ... -
Perifere tilskuere eller sentrale aktører: Demokratene og utformingen av amerikansk utenrikspolitikk
(Research report, 2005)In critically important parts of the cold war era the Democratic Party was the steward of American foreign policy. But since September 11. 2001, the party has, however, mostly been a bystander to the major transformation ... -
Population Based Routing in LEO Satellite Networks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Packet switching in a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network may calculate the best traffic route through the less populated areas of the planet, in order to avoid relaying through the busiest satellites. A number of ideas ... -
Power Asymmetry and the Role of Deterrence in the South China Sea
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Predicting army cadets’ performance: The role of character strengths, GPA and GMA
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The purpose of this study was to examine how well a set of 12 character strengths (Leadership, Integrity, Open-Mindedness, Bravery, Teamwork, Persistence, Social Intelligence, Love of Learning, Fairness, Self-Regulation, ... -
Predicting Basic Military Performance for Conscripts in the Norwegian Armed Forces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Predicting Commercial Pilot Training Performance: A Validation Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Predictors of gaming behavior among military peacekeepers - exploring the role of boredom and loneliness in relation to gaming problems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Promoting the moral sensitivity of police and military personnel
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05)To make good decisions, people must be able to identify the ethical features of a situation, i.e., to notice when and how the welfare of others and ethical values are at stake. In the work of military and law enforcement ... -
(Chronicle, 2020)Norske styrker mangler artilleri som avfyrer prosjektiler mot fienden over store avstander. -
Relationship between self-reported and objectively measured physical fitness in young men and women
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Resilience Competence Face Framework for the Unforeseen: Relations, Emotions and Cognition. A Qualitative Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
A review of augmented reality applications for ship bridges
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We present a state-of-the art analysis of Augmented Reality (AR) applications for ship bridge operation. We compiled and reviewed what type of use cases were published, what type of maritime applications have been adapted ... -
Risk-Taking and Sensation Seeking in Military Contexts: A Literature Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
Risk-taking attitudes and behaviors in the Norwegian population: the influence of personality and background factors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The article presents the results of an investigation where the main purpose was to see how willingness to take risks is distributed in the general adult population relative to socio-demographic background and personality. ... -
Risk-taking attitudes in the Norwegian population: Implications for the recruitment to the Armed Forces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The presence of risks is a crucial and unavoidable feature of many military contexts and should be recognized by the military in recruitment and skill acquisition. Moreover, the military system is part of the society at ... -
Samlet mot det uventede - og å kunne stå i det. Betydningen av godt teamarbeid
(Journal article, 2013)MS Sleipner gikk i 1999 på grunn på den norske vestkysten. 16 mennesker døde i den verste skipskatastrofen siden andre verdenskrig. Granskingsrapporten konkluderte at broteamet ikke klarte å oppdage viktige kritiske signaler ...