Browsing Artikler by Title
Now showing items 101-120 of 258
I liv og død
(Journal article, 2015) -
Identity under Siege: Selective Securitization of History in Putin’s Russia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article explores state efforts to safeguard national history and identity in Putin's Russia. It is argued that a process of selective securitization has been taking place, whereby elite actors have defined certain ... -
Implementering av teamevaluering i operativ avdeling: En case studie av «Bottom-Up» organisasjonsutvikling
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11)Operative avdelinger er avhengig av gode teamferdigheter. Slike ferdigheter omfatter mer en taktikk og prosedyrer og gode avdelinger har også et fokus på samhandling (også kalt nontechnical skills) da dette bidrar til ... -
Improving Intelligence Analysis: Harnessing Intuition and Reducing Biases by Means of Structured Methodology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)The essence of intelligence is to reduce ambiguity for decision-makers by providing understanding. Contemporary armed conflicts present an intelligence challenge since not only do they contain secrets and mysteries but ... -
Individual Differences in Visual and Verbal Channel Capacity and Learning Outcome from Film and Text
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
Interoceptive sensitivity as a proxy for emotional intensity and its relationship with perseverative cognition
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Technical advancement in military cyber defense poses increased cognitive demands on cyber officers. In the cyber domain, the influence of emotion on decision-making is rarely investigated. The purpose of this study was ... -
Intet nytt fra forsvarsfronten
(Chronicle, 2016-06-24) -
Intet nytt fra Vestfronten – EUs forsvarssamarbeid 20 år
(Journal article, 2018)20 år er gått siden St-Malo avtalen i 1998 markerte starten på EUs forsvarssamarbeid. Planene lå der allerede i den tentative formuleringen “den eventuelle utviklingen av en felles sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitikk”, som ble ... -
Introduction: Security and Military Power in the Arctic
(Others, 2022) -
It's been a hard day's night: A diary study on hardiness and reduced sleep quality among naval sailors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A hardy disposition is regarded as an advantage in demanding and stressful environments and is associated with improved military performance. Recent evidence suggests that hardiness may also be related to resilience with ... -
Japan’s military response to a shifting strategic environment
(Journal article, 2014) -
Job crafting and playful work design: Links with performance during busy and quiet days
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Krig med fjernkontroll - droner og krigens etikk
(Journal article, 2015) -
Krig nok til alle - en strategisk tilnærming til krigen i Syria
(Journal article, 2015) -
Krigsskolens relevans? Temanotat om Krigsskolens arbeid med yrkes relevans i ly av sentrale endringer i forsvarssektoren (TYR)
(Arbeidsnotat;2016: 6, Working paper, 2016-08-05)Krigsskolen står høsten 2016 overfor sentrale utfordringer som utfordrer deres egen forståelse av skolens relevans: Sammenslåing med de andre av Forsvarets høyskoler, en ny personellordning og et hittil uavklart kompetansebehov. ... -
Krisehåndtering i Fiskevernsonen: mellom jus og interessepolitikk
(Journal article, 2013) -
Label-free impedance flow cytometry for nanotoxicity screening
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Leaders That Don’t Care: Investigating Leader Caregiving From an Attachment-Theoretical Perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Leadership challenges for Joint Force commanders during the transition from a high-intensity to a low-intensity conflict
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)A Joint Force Commander (JFC) leading military joint operations faces several complex challenges. The purpose of this article is to investigate some of the challenges a Joint Force Commander may face when a conflict changes ... -
Learning in the Force Protection Environment between International Operations: Last-Minute Learning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study considers learning in international military operations. It explores these questions: What are the obstacles to learning in a military context? How did these obstacles manifest themselves in contribution made ...