Browsing IFS Insights by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 96
Rivalisering i Øst-Asia
(IFS Insights;, Others, 2010) -
Russia’s foreign energy policy
(IFS Insights;, Others, 2010) -
The Future of the CFE Regime: Consequences for European Security
(IFS Insights;2, Others, 2010) -
Obama-administrasjonens nye nasjonale sikkerhetsstrategi
(IFS Insights;3, Others, 2010) -
The 2010 QDR and US grand strategy
(IFS Insights;, Others, 2010) -
US Navy strategy and force structure after the Cold War
(IFS Insights;4, Others, 2011) -
Sjøsikkerhet i det russiske nord
(IFS Insights;, Others, 2011) -
China's nuclear force structure
(IFS Insight;2, Others, 2011) -
Ballistic Missile Defense
(IFS Insights;3, Others, 2011) -
The role of SWAT units
(IFS Insights;3, Others, 2012) -
Grenaderer i Hæren
(IFS Insights;2, Others, 2012)This issue of IFS Insights presents findings from a survey of contracted personnel in the Norwegian Army. The personnel were asked various questions about their views on the present contract regime and potential changes ... -
The Turkish armed forces in politics
(IFS Insights ;1, Others, 2012)Entrusted by law with the dual task of protecting the state and guarding its founding principles, the Turkish military has played a decisive role in shaping the political course since the founding of the republic of Turkey ... -
Arctic oil and gas: The role of regions
(IFS Insights;2/2013, Others, 2013)Andreas Østhagen looks at oil and gas development across the North American Arctic coastal waters. How do the interests and positioning of elected regional governments in the Arctic contribute to the overall pace of natural ... -
Tysklands bidrag til internasjonal krisehåndtering
(IFS Insights;1, Others, 2013)Denne studien tar utgangspunkt i Berlins håndtering av krisene i Libya og Mali for å belyse hvordan Tyskland har utviklet seg som sikkerhetspolitisk aktør siden gjenforeningen i 1990, og hva denne utviklingen betyr for ... -
Arctic security and the United Kingdom
(IFS Insights;3/2013 Oct, Others, 2013)SUMMARY Over the past decade, rapid and profound change in the Arctic has been accompanied by a sense of global unease about the future of the region. This paper provides a short overview of the role the United Kingdom ... -
China–India Nuclear Rivalry in the 'Second Nuclear Age'
(IFS Insights;3, Others, 2014)In the last quarter century, Asia has become home to four modernizing nuclear weapon powers (China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea) and is now the epicenter of the “second nuclear age.” There is a growing belief that ... -
Nye utfordringer i nord: Kystvakten i nordområdene
(IFS Insights;2, Others, 2014)Den maritime aktiviteten i Arktis er økende. Som en konsekvens er det satt fokus på beredskapsaktiviteter og suverenitetshevdelse i regionen. I all hovedsak er det de arktiske kyststatenes kystvakter som en del av, eller ... -
Trends in U. S. security policy
(IFS Insights;1/2014, Others, 2014)The United States currently stands at a highly significant strategic juncture. Its leaders are contemplating substantial reduction in the U.S. level of involvement in global security affairs and a consolidation of its ... -
Canada og Norge i nordområdene og NATO
(IFS Insights;3/2016, Research report, 2016)Denne IFS Insighten gir en oversikt over det canadiske perspektivet på sentrale spørsmål innenfor utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk og sammenligner med norske syn. -
Turkey after the coup attempt
(IFS Insights;4, Research report, 2016)This IFS Insight examines the 15 July 2016 coup attempt in Turkey and its implications for relations between the Turkish military, government and society.