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dc.contributor.authorHobson, Rolf
dc.description.abstractThis study presents an historical critique of two concepts which have recently dominated US, and hence western, military thought: the “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA) and the “transformation” programme designed to prepare NATO forces to exploit the potential of the current RMA. It posits that the RMA concept is a product of a specific American strategic culture; furthermore, that two formative influences on this culture, the competitive environment of the think tanks and the influence of nationalism on American defence policy, are not sufficiently taken into account when the products of this strategic culture are analysed. A critical look at the use of historical illustrations in RMA literature shows that defense intellectuals often choose to ignore evidence and research which does not support their preferred theory. This is particularly true of their understanding of Blitzkrieg, which bears little resemblance to the interpretation established by military historians during the last fifteen years. The confusion of political, strategic and operational levels of analysis becomes even more evident in the RMA literature’s attempts to structure centuries of European military history round its central concept.no_NO
dc.publisherInstitutt for forsvarsstudierno_NO
dc.relation.ispartofseriesOslo files on defence and security;5
dc.titleRMA og transformation: En historisk-kritisk analyse av to sentrale begreper i nyere vestlig forsvarspolitikkno_NO
dc.source.pagenumber68 s,no_NO

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