Browsing Oslo Files on Defence and Security by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 43
Heimevernet og Hæren: landforsvaret stykkevis og delt - eller helt?
(Oslo files on defence and security;2, Others, 2010) -
Taliban og ISAFs propagandakrig: kampen om den mest overbevisende historien
(Oslo files on defence and security;1, Others, 2010) -
Norsk forsvarssamarbeid med Nederland og Sverige. Ikke så like likevel?
(Oslo files on defence and security;3, Others, 2010)The security environment after the Cold War has created new challenges but also new opportunities. With no Iron Curtain dividing Europe, new patterns of cooperation in the field of defense and security have emerged. For ... -
Nordic defence cooperation after the Cold War
(Oslo Files;1, Others, 2011)During the Cold War the different alignment choices of the Nordic states meant that military cooperation among them was highly circumscribed, and security issues were taboo in the Nordic Council. Following the events of ... -
Marinens beredskap 1960-90: kampklar i Nordflåtens skygge
(Oslo files on defence and security;4, Others, 2011) -
USA og Nato etter 9/11
(Oslo files;5, Others, 2011) -
Storbritannia og NATO. Urealistisk realisme? Britisk selvbilde og betydningen av fortid, tradisjoner og ambisjoner
(Oslo files on defence and security;3, Others, 2011)The study reviews Britain’s key role both as an important founding member of NATO and as an influential ally. NATO’s importance to the United Kingdom is discussed in light of Britain’s imperial history, and core security ... -
Vervede i Forsvaret: motivasjon, erfaringer og fremtidsplaner
(Oslo files on defence and security;6, Others, 2011)This study explores attitudes and experiences of contracted personnel in the Norwegian Armed Forces. It is based on information from 28 interviews with personnel in the Army, Air Force and Navy. Topics for discussion were ... -
The rise of naval powes in Asia and Europe's decline
(Oslo files on defence and security;06, Others, 2012)For the first time in modern history Asian states are spending more on defence than their European counterparts. The sea power ambitions of leading land powers such as China, Russia and India stand as a challenge to US ... -
Forsvarsrettet sikkerhetssektorreform : norsk sikkerhetspolitisk bistand til Serbia og Montenegro
(Oslo files on defence and security;1, Others, 2012)The study addresses Norwegian policy on and practices to promote Defence Security Sector Reform (DSSR) in the Western Balkans. Focusing primarily on Serbia and Montenegro, the authors analyse the organisation of the Norwegian ... -
Emerging naval powers in Asia: China's and India's quest for sea power
(Oslo files on defence and security studies;2, Others, 2012)This study offers a historically informed and comprehensive assessment of the contemporary naval policies of China and India, the leading rising powers. It shows how China and India, traditionally and predominantly concerned ... -
Long-term defence planning: a comparative study of seven countries
(Oslo files on defence and security;05, Others, 2012)This study compares the long-term defence planning systems of the Nordic countries Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, as well as France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Long-term defence planning is here understood ... -
Forsvaret til Libya 2011: klar til strid?
(Oslo files on defence & security;04, Others, 2012)This study explores the historical detachment of Norwegian air power under the unique UN mandate to protect Libyan civilians in March 2011. In less than 100 hours after the Security Council adopted resolution 1973 authorising ... -
Norsk veteranpolitikk etter 1945: noen hovedtrekk i utviklingen
(Others, 2012)This study examines essential aspects of Norway’s policy on the treatment of veterans since 1945. Veteran schemes were put in place immediately following the Second World War. In the following decades they were debated, ... -
Fremmede ubåter i norske fjorder. Realitet eller myte?
(Oslo files on defence and security;01, Others, 2013)The purpose of this study has been to utilise the available source material to analyse the circumstances surrounding reported observations of unidentified underwater objects in Norwegian territorial waters. The aim has ... -
Forsvarsstillinger i Lyngen-området
(Oslo Files on Defence and Security;03, Others, 2014)I denne studien ser Kurt Henrik Dalmo på hva som var årsaken til at Forsvaret tidlig på 1980-tallet bestemte seg for å bygge ut permanente forsvarsstillinger i Lyngen-området. Stillingene fikk etter hvert tilnavnet ... -
Den amerikanske våpenhjelpen: Modernisering eller konservering? 1950 - 1968
(Oslo files;, Others, 2014)In this study, Gullow Gjeseth discusses the effect of the US arms aid programme on the Norwegian Armed Forces between 1950 and 1968. Did the provision of American weapons and new military technology result in the modernisation ... -
COIN med kinesiske særtrekk? Kinas bekjempelse av ekstremisme, separatisme og terrorisme
(Oslo files on Defence and Security;, Others, 2014-04)In this study, Qviller examines China’s response to internal disaffection and turmoil and asks what China can bring to the table as a partner in international operations.China’s response to extremism, separatism and terrorism ... -
Norges bidrag til FN-operasjonene i Somalia. UNOSOM I og II (1992–1993).
(Oslo files on Defence and Security;2/2015, Research report, 2015)Med 25 kg skismøring i bagasjen ankom et norsk stabskompani Somalias hovedstad Mogadishu julen 1992. Martin Lau Slåtten skriver om et år fylt av prøvelser og de politiske/departementale og forsvarsfaglige betingelsene som ... -
Styrk forsvarsevnen - ta Marinen i bruk! Personellutfordringer, beredskap og stridsevne i Sjøforsvaret
(Oslo files on Defence and Security;01, Research report, 2015)Roald Gjelsten tar for seg kompetanseproduksjonen i Marinen fra 1960-tallet og fram til i dag. Hvordan kan HR-politikk brukes til å øke Marinens kampkraft? Siden slutten av den kalde krigen har Marinen blitt redusert ...