Browsing Militære studier by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Strategisk tenkning? Norsk maktbruk i Afghanistan
(Militære studier;4, Others, 2014)From 2001 until 2014, Norway has participated in NATO-led operations in Afghanistan. This study examines the scope of strategic thought underlying the Norwegian engagement. Is there a clear Norwegian national strategy when ... -
Fra FN til NATO: Norske styrker som eksportvare?
(Militære studier;6, Others, 2014)Most studies on Norwegian troop contributions to multinational operations have focused on the Norwegian armed forces taking part in missions abroad. This study, covering the time span 1990-2013, limits itself to cases where ... -
Norske genderrådgivere i Afghanistan. Militær merverdi eller politisk alibi.
(Militære studier;2/2014, Others, 2014)Denne rapporten er basert på erfaringene til norske genderrådgivere som deployerte til ISAF HQ og PRT Meymaneh i perioden 2009–2012. Målet var å undersøke hvordan det norske styrkebidraget i Afghanistan har implementert ... -
Norsk opprørsbekjempelse. Illusjon eller realitet?
(Militære studier;1/2014, Others, 2014)Even though NATO has signalised the need for a unified approach to counterinsurgency, it seems that nations have different national approaches. This publication examines the Norwegian hallmarks to counterinsurgency as they ... -
Krisehåndtering i Forsvaret: Lærer vi av erfaring?
(Militære studier;5, Others, 2014)Temaet for denne studien er erfaringslæring i Luftforsvarets hverdag. Utgangspunktet er krisehåndteringen etter ulykken med Hercules-flyet ved Kebnekaise 15. mars 2012 og det påfølgende arbeidet med Generalinspektøren for ... -
Norske jagerfly over Libya i 2011: Nasjonal kontroll i skarpe operasjoner?
(Others, 2014)When the Arabic Spring reached Libya in the beginning of 2011, Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi responded with the use of violence against his own population. Adopting Resolution 1973 of 17th March 2011, the UNSCR authorized the ... -
Norges Russland-retorikk : fra brobygging til fiendebilder
(Militære studier;4/2015, Others, 2015)Over the last two years, the perceptions and opinions about Russia in Norwegian society have been drastically altered. During the escalating conflict in Ukraine in 2014, Norwegian ministers repeatedly made statements and ... -
Norske spesialstyrker: Fra skjult ressurs til politisk spydspiss
(Militære studier;03/2015, Others, 2015)This thesis analyses the evolution of Norway’s Special Operations Forces (SOF) from 1998 to 2010, paying particular attention to NORASOC, the Norwegian Army Special Operations Commando (FSK, formerly FSK/HJK). Since its ... -
Når samfunnet lammes. Militær bistand ved et dataangrep
(Others, 2015)This study examines the role of military support to civil authorities in the event of a national cyber crisis in Norway, with special emphasis on the Norwegian Cyber Force. In later years, Norway’s nationwide mobile network ... -
På sporet av en norsk krigerkultur: Holdninger til militærmakt før og nå
(Militære studier;1, Others, 2015)This study sets out to explore the virtues of a possible Norwegian warrior culture. Examining military journals, Army Field Manuals, doctrines and even fictional literary sources from the turn of the last two centuries, ... -
Humanitær intervensjon: Når, hvor - og hvorfor ikke?
(Militære studier;5, Research report, 2015)In the post-Cold War era, we have seen an increasing number of innocent civilians exposed to grave threats and violent attacks, especially in failed states. In 2005, the UN doctrine of Responsibility to protect (R2P) laid ... -
Etterretning i NATO. Fra ambisjon til feilslått reform?
(Militære studier;6/2015, Research report, 2015)This thesis explores the motivational origins of NATO’s Knowledge Development (KD) concept. Given its degree of implementation in the alliance command structure, KD might or might not have led to enhanced military ... -
Evne til læring? Erfaringshåndtering i Afghanistan
(Militære studier;6, Research report, 2016)For the Norwegian Armed Forces, participation in international operations has long been important. Norway’s NATO mission in Afghanistan (2001–2014) was the country’s most extensive military engagement since the Second World ... -
Norske kampfly i krig: Bombing på klare betingelser?
(Militære studier;3-4/2016, Research report, 2016)This comparative study examines Norway’s use of fighter jets in four military campaigns after the Cold War. Using a foreign policy analysis model that incorporates variables from several analytical levels, the study aims ... -
Kampen om Svalbard, 2030: Norsk eller russisk dominans
(Militære studier;1/2016, Research report, 2016)This thesis addresses the contribution and role of the Royal Norwegian Navy in a crisis situation in the High North as well as the capability and capacity challenges it faces meeting the potential threats in the region. ... -
Nye norske ubåter: Sikkerhetspolitikk for fremtiden?
(Militære studier;2/2016, Research report, 2016)Norway is on the verge of buying new submarines. This study is an unclassified strategy analysis of why submarines should be part of the Norwegian Navy in the future. Due to shifting strategic circumstances, long-term ... -
Overraskelsesangrep i operasjoner: Utnyttelse og håndtering
(Militære studier;5/2016, Research report, 2016-09-21)Surprise attacks are a fundamental and lasting part of warfare and diplomacy. They possess such force multiplying power that countless nations and their militaries throughout history have tried to exploit their fruits in ... -
Military Sciences – The Backbone of Military Educational Institutions? Book of abstracts ISMS 2017
(Militære studier;Special Issue, Report, 2017)