Browsing FHS Brage by Author "Boe, Ole"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Big Five Personality Profiles in the Norwegian Special Operations Forces
Skoglund, Tom Hilding; Brekke, Thor-Håvard; Steder, Frank Brundtland; Boe, Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study is the first to report on Big Five personality traits of employees in the Norwegian military Special Operations Forces (NORSOF). Three research questions were formulated for this study, aiming to investigate (1) ... -
Enhancing the Leadership Communication Skills of Norwegian Military Officers
Holth, Torill; Boe, Ole (Journal article, 2017)Background: For military officers it is important to accomplish the mission and to take care of their personnel. The key to knowing how to challenge and support each individual in one’s unit lies in leadership communication ... -
Finnes det noen sammenhenger mellom utøvelsen av lederstilen utviklende lederskap og personlighetstrekk hos kadetter på KS?
Holth, Torill; Boe, Ole (KS fagrapport;4/2010, Research report, 2010)Denne fagrapporten diskuterer mulige sammenhenger mellom personlighet og lederstilen utviklende lederskap. Vi har i denne fagrapporten benyttet oss av personlighetstesten 16PF for å måle personlighet hos 16 kadetter på ... -
Ikke en av gutta! : et mangfoldsperspektiv på inkludering av kvinner i Forsvaret
Kristiansen, Svein Tore; Boe, Ole; Skjæret, Stine W. (KS fagrapport;1/2010, Research report, 2010)Denne rapporten argumenterer for at hovedårsaken til at kvinner forlater Forsvaret er dels å finne i en uforutsigbar personalpolitikk og dels i et opplevd gap mellom Forsvarets uttrykte verdier og praksis. Et hovedfunn ... -
Leadership challenges for Joint Force commanders during the transition from a high-intensity to a low-intensity conflict
Boe, Ole; Bergh, Johan; Johansen, Rino Bandlitz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)A Joint Force Commander (JFC) leading military joint operations faces several complex challenges. The purpose of this article is to investigate some of the challenges a Joint Force Commander may face when a conflict changes ... -
Lost in Transition: The Dissemination of Digitization and the Challenges of Leading in the Military Educational Organization
Holth, Torill; Boe, Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Leading change in adult educational organizations is not frequently described in the leadership literature. The education sector in the Norwegian Armed Forces (NAF) is in the middle of an educational reform that requires ... -
Offiserer med høy grad av utviklende lederskap og kompetanse. En studie av kadetter i KSKVK 01/13
Boe, Ole (KS fagrapport;1/2014, Others, 2014-03-07)Hensikten med denne fagrapporten var å undersøke om andres bedømmelser av kadetter i KSKVK1/2013 sier noe om i hvilken grad kadettene fremstår som utviklende ledere eller ikke. Fagrapporten er en eksplorativ og beskrivende ... -
Pathei mathos! Mestringsopplevelser i ulike læringssituasjoner blant kadetter ved Krigsskolen
Magnussen, Leif Inge; Boe, Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Artikkelen drøfter hvordan kontekst påvirker kadettenes opplevelse av læringsprosesser. To læringssituasjoner er undersøkt; kryssingen av Hardangervidda om vinteren og trening på skytebanen. Analysen tar utgangspunkt i ... -
Predicting army cadets’ performance: The role of character strengths, GPA and GMA
Bang, Henning; Nilsen, Fredrik A.; Boe, Ole; Eilertsen, Dag-Erik; Lang-Ree, Ole Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The purpose of this study was to examine how well a set of 12 character strengths (Leadership, Integrity, Open-Mindedness, Bravery, Teamwork, Persistence, Social Intelligence, Love of Learning, Fairness, Self-Regulation, ... -
The Multidimensional Self-Control Scale (MSCS): Development and validation
Nilsen, Fredrik A.; Bang, Henning; Boe, Ole; Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Lang-Ree, Ole Christian; Røysamb, Espen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Trait self-control is important for well-being and mental and physical health. Most extant measures of self-control are limited in that they do not account for the multidimensionality and specificity of the trait. The aim ... -
The Relationship between Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, and Military Skills and Abilities
Boe, Ole; Säfvenbom, Reidar; Johansen, Rino Bandlitz; Buch, Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)This study investigated the relationship between academic self-concept, academic self-efficacy and the self-reported acquirement of certain specific military skills and abilities. Our sample consisted of 141 military cadets ... -
The Relationships Between Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, and Military Skills and Abilities
Boe, Ole; Säfvenbom, Reidar; Johansen, Rino Bandlitz; Buch, Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Abstract. This study investigated the relationship between academic self-concept, academic self-efficacy and the self-reported acquirement of certain specific military skills and abilities. Our sample consisted of 141 ...