Effekttenkning - ønsketenkning eller realitet...? En studie av hvordan effekttenkning er implementert i den norske PRTen i Afghanistan
Effects-based operations (EBO), effects-based approach to operations (EBAO) and effect based thinking as concepts are controversial. This thesis looks into how effect based thinking is integrated in planning, evaluation and reporting in the Norwegian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Meymaneh. The study took place in the spring of 2010 as part of the Master Programme at the Norwegian Defence Staff College. The baseline for this research have been articles, thesis and books. The empirical data is based on eight semi-structured interviews. Six respondents served as staff members or PRT commanders in the PRT during the period May 2008 to December 2009. Two other respondents served at the national strategic and operational level. Despite that effect based thinking as a concept is controversial, the respondents declared they had a clear understanding of the concept. The declarations varied depending on the respondents function. All of the respondents stated that desired effects are the starting point of all effect based thinking. These effects, however, are described as vague in higher level operational plans. This, together with different understanding of effects based thinking, affects how effects based thinking is integrated in PRT processes. The thesis states that effects based thinking is integrated in PRT processes to a varying degree.