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dc.contributor.authorBjone, Ralph
dc.description.abstractThis study examines possible factors that could influence contracting in the Norwegian Defence Force. A survey was distributed to all the project leaders in the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation, which were answered by 70 % of these. The main areas covered in the survey were; contract specification, types of contracts used, the influence of thrust, the importance of asset specificity and skills, re-imbursement and uncertainty. The main findings are listed: Trust, asset specificity and the possibility of re-imbursement seems to have no impact on specification or the choice of contract types. Technical uncertainty is surprisingly low in the procurement projects and high level of uncertainty resulted in a less specified contracts. High availability on both skilled contracting personnel and personnel covering all aspects in the project made it possible to secure the contract more easily using less effort to maintain a high level of specification. The contracts used by the Norwegian Defence Force seem to be highly specified, and higher specification induces more use of fixed price contracts. The Norwegian Defence Force has a suited system for contracting and project management. Even though fixed-price contracts are mostly used, the background seems to be a result of regulations, forcing the project personnel to consider all aspects concerning the procurement.en_US
dc.titleForsvarets kontraktstrategi: motvirke opportunisme og redusere transaksjonskostnader?en_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US
dc.source.pagenumber87 s.en_US

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