dc.description.abstract | During Operation Inherent Resolve, the Global Special Operations Forces Network (GSN), established in 2011, has proven its value on behalf of the Global Special Operations Forces (SOF) Enterprise in creating a coalition to combat current and future terrorist threats. Military leaders of all branches and departments confront foreign policy on behalf of their governments, developing capacities and resilience to win the current fight against an adversary that in many cases is unknown or has a complex leadership structure. Knowing who to trust and who is willing to support a nation’s efforts becomes important as leaders build a “coalition of the willing.” Through the GSN, SOF can execute integrated campaigning with partners to facilitate dialogue across borders, shortening lines of communication and continuing development of high technology solutions. As information is transmitted across the world in seconds, timely planning and coordination in support of an operation becomes more important than ever, in order to protect soldiers and win the current fight. It has become apparent that the growing complexity of each mission demands an ever-increasing ability for situational awareness. The creation and implementation of the GSN by partner nations has created cost effective coordination solutions and by that, increased security for deployed personnel across the globe. Moreover, enhanced understanding by political leaders and senior military officials on how to exploit the vast opportunities the GSN provides in support of creating a coalition has yielded progress in the fight against Daesh. | nb_NO |