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Bedriftsøkonomisk regnskapsprinsipp – Forsvarets redningsbøye?
(Others, 2016) -
The Russian Way of Regular Land Warfare: A Comparative Case Study of Four Major Russian Operations after the Cold War
(Doctoral thesis, 2023-12)This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of Russian military behavior through a characterization of the Russian way of regular land warfare. The Russian use of regular military force on several occasions since ... -
Strategisk samarbeid innen militært flyvedlikehold - noe mer enn et kunderforhold?
(Master thesis, 2022-11)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker det strategiske samarbeidet mellom forsvarssektoren og Kongsberg Aviation Maintenance Services (KAMS), med hvilken effekt et slikt partnerskap har på forsvarssektoren. Intensjonen med ... -
The bear is awake: To what extent does Russia's security strategy challenge Norway’sinterests and optionsin the Arctic?
(Master thesis, 2022)As a NATO member and a neighbour of what is debatably the most assertive great power of our time, Norway has increasingly experienced Russia’s assertive foreign and security policy pursuit in the Arctic. As a small nation, ... -
A more assertive US in the Arctic : Aligned or at odds with the Norwegian security policy?
(Master thesis, 2022)After years of being reduced to the periphery of US awareness, the Arctic has regained relevance in Washington as great power competition is once again at the forefront of US strategy. As a result, the US Department of ... -
The Utility of Coercion Theory in the Afghan Conflict
(Doctoral thesis, 2018) -
The use of Eye Tracking Technology in Maritime High-Speed Craft Navigation
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Fremtidig funksjonell kultur i Luftforsvaret - Command-teamets rolle
(Master thesis, 2019-12)I denne masteroppgaven har jeg undersøkt hvordan Luftforsvarets command-team på toppnivå opplever sitt eget fokus på kultur i de ulike omstillingene gjennom problemstillingen «Hvordan opplever Luftforsvarets command-team ... -
Virker Crew Resource Management trening? En studie av Sjøforsvarets CRM kurs’ effekt på elever ved skolen.
(Master thesis, 2018-12)Denne studien ønsker å se nærmer på effekten av CRM-trening på elever ved Sjøkrigsskolen. Målsetningen har vært å undersøke om Sjøforsvarets CRM kurs fører til ønsket bruk av CRMadferd og ferdigheter hos elever ved ... -
Teaching tactics as armies integrate. A comparative case study of United States Marine Corps schools and the Norwegian Military Academy
(Master thesis, 2018-08-30)The tactical level is academically not well developed and there is a paucity of literature on the former. Yet it has become more important in the recent years mainly due to shrinking defence budgets and the increasing ... -
Power and Arms: The Diffusion of Military Innovations and Technology. A Comparative Historical Analysis of the Spread of Military Power After the Cold War and Consequences for the Norwegian Navy in the NATO Alliance
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis investigates the extensive puzzle of various influences on the diffusion of military power, meaning the spread of certain innovations, through the international system and the implications for international ... -
“Strategic Deterrence” in the North. Implications of Russian Maritime Defence Planning and Seapower to Norwegian Maritime Strategy
(Master thesis, 2018)Aiming to contribute on research cumulation on Russian military affairs in general and maritime defence planning and seapower in general, the thesis objectives are twofold in exploring Russian maritime defence planning and ... -
The use of radar and AIS in anti-collision on a modern IBS in the Norwegian Navy
(Master thesis, 2013-09)Navigation in the littoral waters of Norway is based on long traditions. All naval units spend much time and effort to navigate faster, safer and tactically clever. For decades radar has been the most important tool to ... -
En longitudinell studie om utvikling av ledermestringstro og motivasjon til å lede på Hærens Krigsskole
(Master thesis, 2017)Motivasjon til å lede (MTL) og ledermestringstro (LMT) foreslås i denne studien å være sentrale individuelle forutsetninger for utbytte av lederutvikling. Disse egenskaper vil kunne påvirke deltakeres vilje til å påta seg ... -
Ahmadiyya og «de andre» muslimene i dagens India : selvkultivering, anerkjennelse og balansekunst hos en omstridt minoritet
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne masteroppgaven handler om ahmadiyya-muslimer i India, og er basert på feltarbeid i en menighet i Delhi. Ahmadiene er en omstridt religiøs gruppe i alle land hvor de er representert, og de har også vært utsatt for ... -
Designing for high-speed ships
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2007:115, Doctoral thesis, 2007)Fast patrol boats are high-speed vessels operated by the Royal Norwegian Navy (RNoN). These ships are 36,5 meters long, have a beam of 6,2 meters and operate at high speed (32 knots – 16,5 meters per second) in very ... -
System Supportability and Life Cycle Cost based Decisions
(PhD theses in Logistics;2008:04, Doctoral thesis, 2008)This thesis is a result of my PhD study at Molde University College, Norway. I started my study in June 2004, and this thesis is written in the period up until November 2008. The main supervisor for the thesis is Professor ... -
Coalition Strategy in Complex Conflicts : The Strategic Behaviour of Three NATO-States in Afghanistan 2003-2008
(Doctoral thesis, 2014)Abstract: Two of the main challenges in contemporary strategy are the challenges of complex conflicts and the increased reliance on alliances and coalitions. This study explores the challenges of coalition strategy in ... -
Har seleksjon noen betydning? En studie av seleksjonens prediktive validitet
(Master thesis, 2013-05)I denne oppgaven har jeg stilt spørsmål om hvorvidt omfattende seleksjon har noen betydning for å forutsi prestasjoner i utdanning, eller om resultater fra tidligere utdanning og tjenesteuttalelser kan være tilstrekkelig ... -
Sikkerhetskultur i Forsvaret : en ide på reise
(Master thesis, 2014-05)Oppgaven studerer organisasjonsteori og sikkerhetskultur, med utgangspunkt i hvordan sikkerhetskulturen i Forsvaret har utviklet seg, forstått som en ide på reise. Organisasjonsideer vil ofte oppleves å reise mellom ulike ...