Blar i Masteroppgaver på utgivelsesdato
Viser treff 41-60 av 469
Utviklingen av Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon: En studie av friksjoner i endringsprosessen
(Master thesis, 2009)This study examines possible factors that could influence negatively on a successful strategic process of the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation. An exploration was conducted among a selection of middle level managers ... -
Innføringen av luft-til-bakke kapasitet i Luftforsvaret: Et resultat av strategisk planlegging?
(Master thesis, 2009)This study seeks to explore and understand the strategy process in the Norwegian defence forces when the Royal Norwegian Air Force implemented an air to ground capability in the F-16 fleet during the late 1990’s. The study ... -
Personalens status i Privata militära företag: En folkrättslig gråzon
(Master thesis, 2009)In modern times, the presence of Private military companies (PMC) in armed conflicts has increased. The practical use of these PMCs, in armed conflicts, has created problems with regard to determining their legal status ... -
Sikkerhetsrådets forutsetninger for å gripe inn i humanitære kriser
(Master thesis, 2009)The UN Members confer on the Security Council ‘primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security’. According to the UN Charter Chapter VII, Article 39, the Council shall determine the existence ... -
Bruk av mekaniserte stridskjøretøy i militære operasjoner blant sivil befolkning: Utgått på dato eller operasjoner for fremtiden?
(Master thesis, 2009)Use of mechanised armoured combat vehicles in military operations among civilian population - out-of date or operations for the future? The uses of Mechanised Armed Combat Vehicles (MACV) in stability and UN peace-operations ... -
Horisontal samhandel i Forsvaret: Den indre fiende?
(Master thesis, 2009)This study examines advantages and disadvantages with internal markets and different degrees of internal trading of services and supplies in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Different degrees of internal trading in armed forces ... -
Helhetlig tilnærming – krisehåndteringens universalklister?: En komparativ studie av konseptene til FN, NATO og EU og deres mulige påvirkning på norsk politisk styring
(Master thesis, 2009)In this thesis I set out to study the possible influence of decisions taken in international organisations, on political decisions in member state governments. The main idea behind this is that members of an international ... -
NATOs maritime strategi etter 1990: Fra sjømakt til ordensmakt?
(Master thesis, 2009)In this thesis I have studied NATO’s maritime strategy after the Cold War. My main focus has been to compare the strategic guidelines provided by the Alliance’s strategic concepts and its Summits with the operational use ... -
Luftforsvarets mentorprogram: Lederutvikling nytter eller nytte av lederutvikling?
(Master thesis, 2009)The purpose of this master’s thesis was to evaluate a top management development program within the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF). The objective was to examine the effects of transfer of learning after attending the ... -
Minoriteter og mangfold: Rekruttering av personell med innvandrerbakgrunn
(Master thesis, 2009)Immigration to Norway has increased over the last forty years, and today ethnic minority groups comprise 10,6 per cent of the population. The Norwegian Defence is working to increase the number of soldiers, airmen and ... -
Försvarssamarbete så in i Norden: Drivkrafter bakom det nordiska försvarssamarbetet 2005-2009
(Master thesis, 2009) -
Implementering av en profesjonskultur: En kvalitativ studie av profesjonskultur og profesjonsfellesskap i Telemark bataljon
(Master thesis, 2009)The Norwegian Military Ethos is an outcome of the adaption from an existential defence force to a functional expeditionary force. The Chief of Defence (CoD), General Sverre Diesen has called for a cultural sloughing of the ... -
Erfaringsoverføring fra kontingenter i utenlandsoperasjoner til nye kontingenter i Norge. Erfaringsoverføring sett i et læringsperspektiv
(Master thesis, 2009)Hæren yter hvert år et betydelig bidrag til operasjoner i utlandet. Utenlandsoperasjoner er en sentral del av Hærens virksomhet som har føringer for utdanning av nye avdelinger og utvikling av nye taktikker, teknikker og ... -
Internasjonal Humanitær Rett og opprørsbekjempelse: regler for krig eller en krig om reglene.
(Master thesis, 2009)This thesis focuses on the challenges of a Norwegian approach to counterinsurgency operations (COIN). As a small state, Norway is highly dependant on an UN-based world order with International Humanitarian Law (IHL) as ... -
Militært lederskap: Nye utfordringer for den militære sjef?
(Master thesis, 2009)Formålet med oppgaven har vært å undersøke om militære sjefer opplever nye utfordringer i relasjon til bredden og dybden på dagens endrede kontekst. Problemstillingen har vært: ”Opplever militære sjefer nye lederskapsutfordringer ... -
Forsvaret: En fortsettelse av distriktspolitikken med andre midler?
(Master thesis, 2009)Armed forces – a continuation of distributive politics with other means? If politicians design policies to win election, they will allocate more public resources to politically attractive districts. Several studies have ... -
Norwegian Strategic Culture: A Key to Understanding the Norwegian Approach to the Use of Force
(Master thesis, 2009)The concept of strategic culture has as its point of departure the fact that despite having many options for strategic policies, states consistently seem to prefer a certain type of policy. The way that the decision-makers’ ... -
Militærmakt i komplekse konflikter – sjefens trening og hans praksis i Afghanistan: Er treningen hjemme relevant for beslutningstakere i Afghanistan?
(Master thesis, 2009)Ambisjonen i Hærens utdannings- og treningsreglement er offensive operasjoner i brigaderammen i et høyintensitets krigsscenario. Samtidig foregår Hærens hovedinnsats utenlands i et lavintensivt scenario i Afghanistan. Dette ... -
The use of teams to improve the quality of intelligence analysis
(Master thesis, 2009)This work sets out to explore a new contribution to alleviate the distortive impact that inherent intellectual shortcomings may have on intelligence analysis. This is highly relevant in efforts to improve intelligence, as ... -
Kampen om den mest uimotståelige historien: Hva kjennetegner Talibans propaganda og med hvilke kontrapropagandatiltak kan ISAF bekjempe den?
(Master thesis, 2009)This analysis is split into two where the first half is dedicated to what characterizes Taliban propaganda, and the other half to an analysis of which counterpropaganda measures ISAF can utilize in order to counter it. The ...