Informasjonsoperasjoner: sårbarhetsbetraktninger i en tenkt fremtid.
The first electronic war is recognised with what Estonia experienced for three weeks in May 2007. Estonia claimed to be under attack, not in the traditional way, but the victim of a new form of combat – cyberwarfare that ought to be treated as an attack against the state. This incident became a warning for individuals and governments around the world in connection with cyber vulnerabilities and electronic warfare. Like other nations, Norway also possesses military activities/programs with respect to network based defence. As prerequisite for the concept of network based defence is a functional information infrastructure. Increased control and security of own military information and relative information superiority in relation to adversaries are important aspects. Military units as a large consumer of information opens for increased hostile activities in the information domain. Information operation is a military function to provide advice and co-ordination of military information activities in order to create desired effects on the will, understanding and capability of adversaries. Info Ops focus is an integrating function concentrating on the information environment rather than a capability of its own. Info Ops objectives can be reached by the planned co-ordination and synchronisation of military capabilities, tools and techniques affecting information or information systems. The aim of this thesis contains diversity. First an analysis of central vulnerabilities in the transformation of the Norwegian militaryi information infrastructure based on the factor future military information infrastructure. Secondly, an analysis of central vulnerabilities in decisionmakers dependence on and employment of the information infrastructure that hostile information operation ought to exploit. This part is based on two factors representing aspects influencing decision-makers efficiency – situation awareness and capability and will.