Browsing Forsvarets høgskole by Subject "Comprehensive approach"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Etterretning i NATO. Fra ambisjon til feilslått reform?
(Militære studier;6/2015, Research report, 2015)This thesis explores the motivational origins of NATO’s Knowledge Development (KD) concept. Given its degree of implementation in the alliance command structure, KD might or might not have led to enhanced military ... -
NATO Comprehensive approach: hvordan legger NATO forholdene til rette for Comprehensive Approach, og hvilke utfordringer møter NATO?
(Master thesis, 2011)NATO Comprehensive Approach (CA) has been visible on the NATO agenda since it was approved at the Riga summit in 2006. The experience from International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has been one of the main drivers for ... -
NATO’s Comprehensive Approach: Still Something for the Future?
(Others, 2015-06-24)For more than a decade, the ideal and thoughts of a more ‘comprehensive approach’ to handle complex conflicts and state-building has been the focus of both academic think-tanks, politicians, and civilian and military actors ... -
Norsk helhetlig tilnærming og nederlandsk 3D-Approach
(Bachelor thesis, 2015-05)