Protecting civilians from violence: A threat-based approach to protection of civilians in UN peace operations
This document aims to complement existing UN POC guidance with a threat-based approach to proctection of civilians, focusing on the specific challenges military commanders are confronting with on the ground. A key characteristic of current operational environment is that civilians are being deliberately targeted by armed actors. In some cases, such attacs on civilians result from specific perpetrators strategies involving the extermination or expelling of entire groups or communities. However, in most cases, armed groups, abusive authorities and rouge militias use violence against civilians to survive, to undermine political opposition, or to secure economics rewards and other benefits. Different types of perpetrators and rationale often co-exist within the same area of operation. Distinguishing between different types of threats and the potential role and utility of miltary foce is therefore essential to improve UN military commanders, planners and practioners at all levels of the UN system to enhance their understanding of how the military component of a UN peace operation could use force more effectively to protect civilians from different types of physical threats.