Browsing FHS Brage by Title
Now showing items 1828-1847 of 1862
War and peace in the political culture of Scandinavia in the 20th century
(IFS Info;5, Others, 2003) -
War at Home: Strategic Narratives of the War on Terrorism
(Doctoral thesis, 2015)This study reconstructs the main strategic narratives of the war on terrorism, as they appeared in American editorials. The study analyses 1002 selected editorials from five major news outlets in America. The analysis is ... -
War studies: Perspectives from the Baltic and Nordic War Colleges
(Oslo files on defence and security;2, Others, 2007) -
“We boil at different degrees”
(Bachelor thesis, 2023-03-01)Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å utforske hvordan fysisk kapasitet og personlige egenskaper påvirker evnen til å håndtere smerte og ubehag hos kadetter. «We boil at different degrees» oppsummerer hvordan ulike individer ... -
Were WMDs the Real Issue?: The International Community versus Iraq 1991-2003
(Forsvarsstudier;4, Others, 2005) -
Weserübung: Det perfekte strategiske overfall?
(Forsvarsstudier;4, Others, 1990) -
Western European democracies and new Russian revisionism - Does alliance membership matter?
(Master thesis, 2022)A steadily more aggressive course of action by Russia changed both the security situation in Europe and the security and defense policy of European states. Furthermore, in the second decade of the 21stcentury, NATO has ... -
What is a Domain?: Understanding the domain term in Multi Domain Operations
(Master thesis, 2023)There is an ongoing debate as to carry out Multi-Domain Operations and how to best prepare your force for it and implement the concept. However, neither the domain term itself, nor MDO as a resulting construct is unitarily ... -
What Turkey wants: Turkey’s objection to Finland and Sweden’s NATO Membership Applications
(IFS Insights;3-2023, Journal issue, 2023)• Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, unexpectedly vetoed Sweden, and Finland’s joint NATO membership bid. • Turkey wants both countries, but predominantly Sweden, to cease supporting the PKK (including affiliated ... -
When Security Speech Acts Misfire: Russia and the Elektron Incident
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009)In October 2005, the Russian trawler Elektron refused to be subjected to arrest when caught by the Norwegian coast guard fishing illegally in the Fisheries Protection Zone off the Svalbard archipelago. With two Norwegian ... -
Why not professionals? A qualitative study about the process of reintroducing a professional Other Ranks (OR) structure into the Norwegian Army today
(Master thesis, 2012)The issue of a professional OR structure in the Norwegian Armed Forces has been controversial for a number of years. The disbandment which was a political decision came about largely due to contention over ideology and ... -
Why should the Norwegian Armed Forces care about climate change?
(IFS Insights;11-12/2020, Research report, 2020)• Climate change is a “threat multiplier” due to its ability to amplify existing security challenges and threats. It is likely to affect the military as an institution and organization, including installations and equipment, ... -
Wilhelm Mohr : on World War II
(Luftkrigsskolens skriftserie;20, Book, 2009) -
The will to defend: Exploring Finnish political efforts to influence the will to defend the country
(Master thesis, 2023)Forsvarsvilje har blitt fremhevet som en av årsakene til at Ukraina har klart seg bedre enn mange ventet i krigen mot Russland. Imidlertid er forsvarsvilje som fenomen noe abstrakt og ytterligere forsking trengs for å skape ... -
Yasen-klassens bidrag til den russiske Nordflåten. Et dypdykk
(Bachelor thesis, 2022-06)Utvikling av kapable og høyteknologiske ubåter er et satsingsområde for den russiske marinen, og til tross for betydelige økonomiske utfordringer har Russlands produksjon av marine maktmidler vedvart. Et av de nyeste ... -
The year 2000 issue and information infrastructure security
(IFS Info;2, Others, 2001) -
YouTube i Russland – en nøkkelarena for politisk kamp
(IFS Insights;9-2022;, Journal issue, 2022)• Sammenlignet med tradisjonelle medier er YouTube en av få gjenværende plattformer hvor det fortsatt er ytringsfrihet i Russland. I motsetning til andre internasjonale medieselskap, og på tross av flere advarsler fra ... -
Å lage vinterkrigere. En sammenlignende studie av norsk, svensk og alliert teorigrunnlag innen vintertjeneste.
(Master thesis, 2019)Bakgrunnen for denne oppgaven er et økende NATO engasjement i områder som store deler av året har et klima som kjennetegnes av vinter og kaldt vær, dette gjelder ikke bare Europa, men også i land som Afghanistan. NATO og ... -
Å snuble på startstreken : ansattes opplevelse av endringsledelse ved FHS
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)