Luftforsvaret en læringsorganisasjon?: Logistiske utfordringer ved HORAlRs deployering til Bosnia 1993
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This study looks at the expanding definition of threats to international peace and security, in relation to traditional notions of sovereignty, employed by the Security Council. Ian Johnstone traces the evolution in the Security Council’s conception of permissible intervention in internal affairs in the period since 1990. He examines the fine line between consent and coercion in international operations, discusses the implications of UN’s involvement in peacebuilding activities for the concept of sovereignty, and asks in what ways the development in the international normative climate has affected UN efforts to manage transitions from war to peace.
I denne studien drøfter Leif Morten Ramberg i hvilken grad en slik evaluerings- og læringsprosses fra deployering har foregått i Luftforsvaret. Han har lagt særlig vekt på erfaringer fra NORAIRs deployering til Bosnia høsten 1993. Benytter Luftforsvaret prinsippene for effektiv organisasjonslæring? Er Luftforsvaret en læringsorganisasjon?