Browsing Oslo Files on Defence and Security by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 43
On new wars: Contributions from the conference “New Wars” in 2007.
(Oslo files on defence and security;4, Others, 2007)On New Wars seeks to answer what is “new” about new wars and military theory by linking the present and speculation about the future of war with historical awareness. The past may be an imperfect guide to the future, but ... -
Et militært universalmiddel? Amerikansk "Maneuver Warfare" og norsk doktrineutvikling
(Oslo files on defence and security;1, Others, 2007)”Maneuver warfare” – manøverkrigføring – er ofte blitt trukket fram som et militært universalmiddel, anvendelig i så vel forsvar som angrep, på land, til sjøs og i lufta. Denne første utgaven i serien Oslo Files on Defence ... -
Finally eating soup with a knife? A historical perspective on the US Army's 2006 counterinsurgency doctrine
(Oslo files on defence and security;5, Others, 2007)In 2006, the US Army adopted a new counterinsurgency (COIN) doctrine, Field Manual 3-24. The doctrine establishes new guidelines for conducting operations such as those currently taking place in Afghanistan and Iraq, where ... -
Forecasting crisis: Climate change and US security
(Oslo files on defence and security;6, Others, 2007)The regions projected to be most adversely affected by climate change are among those deemed of increasing strategic importance to the United States: Africa, the Middle East, and Central and South Asia. The added stress ... -
How Peace Diplomacy Lost Post 9/11: What implications are there for Norway?
(Oslo files on defence and security;3, Others, 2007)Peace diplomacy has been a Norwegian foreign policy priority ever since the early successes of the Oslo channel in the Middle East. Though the nineties were a golden decade for peace diplomacy, the situation changed after ... -
War studies: Perspectives from the Baltic and Nordic War Colleges
(Oslo files on defence and security;2, Others, 2007) -
Norsk deltakelse i internasjonale operasjoner: Soldatens ansvar for en rettsstridig ordre
(Oslo files on defence and security;8, Others, 2008)This study addresses the classic question of the tension between military discipline and individual responsibility; and whether and to what extent following superior orders may constitute a circumstance excluding criminal ... -
RMA og transformation: En historisk-kritisk analyse av to sentrale begreper i nyere vestlig forsvarspolitikk
(Oslo files on defence and security;5, Others, 2008)This study presents an historical critique of two concepts which have recently dominated US, and hence western, military thought: the “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA) and the “transformation” programme designed to ... -
US policy toward Russia after 9/11: between cooperation and containment
(Oslo Files;3, Others, 2008)17 years after the breakup of the Soviet Union, the bilateral relationship between the United States and Russia is still one of the most important in world politics. Despite this, the US-Russia relationship seems to be ... -
The Iran-Pakistan-India Pipeline Project
(Oslo files on defence and security;4, Others, 2008)The planned Iran-Pakistan-India natural-gas pipeline (IPI Pipeline) has been in the Asian spotlight for many years and its full realisation would be politically ground-breaking. Its energy-supply route is planned to cross ... -
Norsk-svenskt försvarssamarbete i en ny tid
(Oslo files on defence and security;7, Others, 2008)Nordic defence cooperation has been limited in recent history. Although during the interwar years of 1918–39 and World War II, there were proposals aiming at a coordinated, or joint, Finnish-Swedish Norwegian defence policy, ... -
Emerging from the Frost: Security in the 21st century
(Oslo files on defence and security;2, Others, 2008)On 25–26 September 2007 the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies hosted an international conference on the security politics of the Arctic region. This issue of Oslo Files contains a collection of contributions from the ... -
The Democratic Peace Controversy. A Critical Survey
(Oslo files on defence and security;1, Others, 2008)The central idea of “democratic peace” theory (DP) is that democracies do not go to war with another. Since the 1960s this theory has been extremely popular among political scientists, but there are a number of methodological ... -
Georgia og Russland: Et vanskelig naboskap
(Oslo files on defence and security;6, Others, 2008)The bilateral relationship between Russia and Georgia has been particularly difficult after the end of the Cold War. It is also a relationship that affects the policies of powers like the United States and European Union ... -
Norwegian foreign policy in the High North. International cooperation and the relations to Russia
(Oslo files on defence and security;1, Others, 2009)The external dimensions of Norway’s new policy for the north and the strategy underpinning it are the focus of this study. First, Norway’s long-standing security and sovereignty interests in Northern ocean areas are examined. ... -
Approaching comprehensiveness
(Oslo files on defence and security;3, Others, 2009)Experience from international operations has shown us that coordination between a variety of actors, as well as functional sectors, from the international community is essential to achieving key objectives necessary for ... -
Forsvaret og private militære firmaer
(Oslo files on defence and security;5, Others, 2009)According to official Norwegian policy, the Armed Forces may not employ the services of private military companies, nor enter into any operational collaboration with such firms. Norway considers its position to be in ... -
Obama og amerikansk utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk
(Oslo Files;2, Others, 2009)Popular expectations for President Obama are high, not least concerning his foreign and security policy. It is too early to draw any conclusions about how the new administration will handle various foreign policy questions, ... -
Interesser i norsk engasjementspolitikk
(Oslo files on defence and security;4, Others, 2009)Since the end of the Cold War, Norway has become increasingly involved in peace building activities. This study looks into motives behind Norwegian peace diplomacy and peace building efforts, with a particular focus on the ... -
Den norske mobiliseringshæren 1950-1970: rasjonelt kompromiss eller nasjonal livsløgn?
(Oslo files on defence and security;4, Others, 2010)