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Team og moralsk handlekraft
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05)I mange sikkerhetskritiske organisasjoner må team ta vanskelige og moralske valg i pressede situasjoner. I artikkelen diskuteres hvilken kompetanse som er nødvendig. Felles moralske mentale modeller holdes frem som en ... -
Teams that are creatively productive: Exploring the exploitable and exploiting the explorable
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The present study examines team processes of exploring and exploiting in inno vation teams, to understand important connections with team development. 51 innovation teams invented a business idea (related to explore), ... -
Teamwork on Patrol: Investigating Teamwork Processes and Underlaying Coordinating Mechanisms in a Police Training Program
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Teknologiske trender og ubåt- og antiubåtoperasjoner. Implikasjoner for Nordflåtens rasjonale
(Master thesis, 2021)De strategiske ubåtene (SSBN) regnes som de minst sårbare kapasitetene i den kjernefysiske triaden og hele den russiske Nordflåtens eksistensgrunnlag baserer seg på å sikre SSBNenes overlevelsesevne. Fra den kalde krigen ... -
Teknologiutdanningen på Forsvarets Høgskole
(Report, 2021) -
Telemark bataljon: NATOs nye styrkestruktur og Norges deltakelse i IRF
(IFS Info;2, Others, 1995) -
Teori møter praksis : samsvarer Krigsskolens lederskapsmodell med soldaters forventninger og krav?
(Bachelor thesis, 2011) -
Terror og beredskap i russisk Arktis
(IFS Insights;7/2019, Report, 2019) -
Terrorangrepet i Oslo - Forsvarets håndhevelsesbistand og samarbeid med Oslo-politiet etter 22. juli
(Oslo files on Defence and Security;1/2016;, Research report, 2016)Terrorangrepet 22. juli 2011 avdekket store mangler innen samfunnets evne til å håndtere alvorlige og særlig skadevoldende hendelser. 22. juli-kommisjonen kritiserte det tverrsektorielle samarbeidet mellom politiet og ... -
Testplattform for autonome systemer
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Gjennom denne oppgaven har vi prosjektert, konstruert og testet en mobil plattform som skal danne et grunnlag for videre testing av autonome systemer. Den er konstruert i den hensikt å kunne fungere som en del av undervisningen ... -
The Associations Between Math Achievement and Perceived Relationships in School Among High Intelligent Versus Average Adolescents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Research regarding highly intelligent adolescents in Scandinavia is scarce. We know little about highly intelligent adolescents’ experiences with the school-system and how they experience their social relationships and ... -
The Barents spirit: a bridge-building project in the wake of the Cold War
(Forsvarsstudier;2, Others, 1995) -
The battle that never was. The Cold War in Northern Waters
(Others, 2016-11) -
The crisis in peacekeeping
(Forsvarsstudier;2, Others, 1994) -
The Democratic Peace Controversy. A Critical Survey
(Oslo files on defence and security;1, Others, 2008)The central idea of “democratic peace” theory (DP) is that democracies do not go to war with another. Since the 1960s this theory has been extremely popular among political scientists, but there are a number of methodological ... -
The effect of cyberpower on institutional development in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
The Emergence of Russian Private Military Companies: A New Tool of Clandestine Warfare
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
The European Union – An Arctic Actor?
(Journal article, 2013)Since launching its first Arctic communiqué in 2008, the European Union has strived to be accepted as a legitimate Arctic actor. Yet the EU's symbolic quest towards achieving observer status in the Arctic Council has proved ... -
The evolution in intelligence support to military operations since 1991: why and how did the new, closer cooperation between the strategic, operational and tactical levels evolve?
(Forsvarets stabsskole Skriftserie;2, Others, 2011)